GMIN & Global Connect ID

General Motors developed two essential tools: the General Motors Identification Number (GMIN) and GlobalConnect ID. The GMIN is a unique code assigned to each vehicle that provides information about its manufacturer, model, and features.

At the same time, GlobalConnect ID is a login ID used by GM’s dealers, suppliers, and partners to access critical information and tools. Here you will explore these two identification tools and their importance.

General Motors Identification Number (VIN)

One of the critical things that GMGlobalConnect allows dealers to do is look up a vehicle’s General Motors Identification Number (GMIN). This number is a unique identifier assigned to every vehicle that General Motors produces. It contains much information about the vehicle, including the year, makes, model, engine, and transmission. It is a 9-digit number and can be easily accessed.


general motors identification number

Dealers can use this information to look up a specific vehicle to access a wide range of resources related to that vehicle. This might include details about the vehicle’s features, options, and maintenance history.

To access GMGlobalConnect, dealers need to have a Global Connect ID. This is a unique username and password that allows them to log into the system and access all of the available resources.

Once a dealer has logged into GMGlobalConnect, they can browse several sections. These include a sales and marketing section, where they can access resources related to advertising and promotions for General Motors vehicles. They can also access training materials, such as videos and other resources, to help them sell more effectively.

GlobalConnect ID

GlobalConnect is General Motors’ web-based platform for its dealers, suppliers, and partners. The platform provides access to critical information and tools, including vehicle inventory, sales, and marketing data, service and maintenance information, and technical support.

GlobalConnect ID is a login ID that authorizes users to access the platform. It is a unique identifier assigned to each user, and it is used to track and manage their access to the platform. The GlobalConnect ID is a security feature ensuring only authorized users can access the platform’s critical information and tools. 

The ID is assigned based on the user’s role in the organization and is used to define their access level within the platform. The platform enables GM to manage its operations more efficiently for its dealers, suppliers, and partners through its features and tools. These include:

  • Inventory management: The platform provides real-time inventory management tools that allow dealers to track their vehicle inventory and upload new listings to the global marketplace.
  • Sales and marketing data: The platform provides sales and marketing data, including lead generation and customer analytics, that help dealers and partners make informed decisions about their sales and marketing activities.
  • Service and maintenance information: The platform provides access to technical service bulletins, repair information, and maintenance schedules, enabling dealers and service centers to provide efficient and effective customer service.
  • Technical support: The platform provides access to technical support resources, including training materials and service manuals, to help dealers and service centers keep up-to-date with the latest vehicle technologies.

The platform is critical for GM’s dealers, suppliers, and partners. Using it, they provide excellent customer service while managing their operations efficiently.

Importance of GMGlobalConnect – GMIN & Global Connect ID

Increased Efficiency

With so many different teams and departments working on different parts of the business, staying organized in the automotive industry can be difficult. GMGlobalConnect provides a centralized communication platform where employees can share information instantly, collaborate on projects, and manage their workflow effectively.

Whether it’s through the use of instant messaging, email, or community boards, GMGlobalConnect ensures that everyone stays connected. The platform eliminates the need for manual paperwork, phone calls, or emails, resulting in faster response times, reduced costs, and increased productivity.

Stronger Customer Relationships

One of the critical benefits of GMGlobalConnect is strengthening relationships between dealerships and their customers. With the platform’s help, dealerships can provide real-time information on a car’s progress during the repair process, offer service reminders, and provide personalized recommendations based on the owner’s driving style.

By leveraging the power of automated communication, GMGlobalConnect helps dealerships build stronger customer relationships, foster loyalty, and increase customer satisfaction.

Streamlined Workflow

Every successful dealership needs a well-oiled system that involves efficient communication between teams. The GMGlobalConnect platform provides a streamlined workflow that enables teams to communicate quickly, share resources, and collaborate efficiently. 

The platform integrates numerous services such as marketing updates, inventory and sales tracking, after-sales support, and training modules to ensure dealerships run smoothly. 

GMGlobalConnect also provides access to multiple software tools and training content that boosts employee capabilities, leading to increased sales and better customer satisfaction.

Improved Employee Training

GMGlobalConnect offers access to training resources to help employees stay updated with the latest industry trends, techniques, and standards. With regular training and updates, employees remain informed and can keep up with changes in customer demand. The platform creates a knowledgeable workforce capable of delivering exceptional customer service and support by providing continuous training.

Security and Access Control

GMGlobalConnect utilizes several security protocols to protect sensitive data. The Global Connect ID is a digital signature that authenticates access to the platform and all its resources. It also provides role-based access control to ensure that employees only access the information and tools relevant to their job functions. This level of security prevents data breaches and cyber-attacks, protecting all involved parties.

Improved Data Analytics

GMGlobalConnect provides many data analytics tools that help dealerships analyze customer behavior, patterns, and preferences. This data helps dealerships determine which products, services, and promotions get the most customer attention, improving customer service and sales.


The General Motors Identification Number (VIN) and GlobalConnect ID are two essential tools GM uses to identify and track vehicles and manage its operations. Overall, the VIN and GlobalConnect ID play critical roles in GM’s operations, enabling the company and its stakeholders to manage their operations efficiently and provide excellent customer service.